Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hair growth for african-americans??

ok. my used to be down to my back this time last year? now it's up to my shoulders and i am pissssssssseddd. what can i do to get my hair back.

i use hair, skin and nails vitamins.

i used to use dr. miracle but that doesnt work. so help me please?

Hair growth for african-americans??

If you are going the supplement route try this




GNC's women's Ultra Nourish hair (not the one for hair and nails)

check for proper dosage..

Hair growth for african-americans??

cut everything off, will better 4 u..

Hair growth for african-americans??

Get your hair braided all over and use growth food on the root area. Leave it that way about 1 month then remove braids and wash hair. You will be happy with the added length!

Hair growth for african-americans??

Patience and good eating habits. Regular trims and depends on how fast your hair grows. If you get too impatient, then get a weave like all other afro-american women do for long, silky hair that they can't grow.

Hair growth for african-americans??

It sounds like you're having some issues with hair breakage. African-American hair tends to break easily because of its open cuticles--that's why it dries out easily too. You might want to use an oil moisturizer, such as Luster's Pink. I'm not AA, rather half Native, half Irish, but I use Luster's Pink Light to prevent breakage from lightening my hair from brown-black to red-blonde. It works very well. If the scent of Luster's bothers you, I'd suggest Isoplus oil moisturizer. Theirs has no scent whatsoever.

You may also want to opt for a cholesterol conditioner, such as Queen Helene. It's nice, not strong smelling, and works wonders.

Anything that smoothes the cuticle of the hair should help.

Hair growth for african-americans??

use olive always wokrs.


Hair growth for african-americans??



EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE FINE******************************

Hair growth for african-americans??

I'm not sure if the hair quality is the same, but my mother has very dry, curly, brittle hair that breaks off easily. She has used hot oil treatments for years and it seems to help. You might try it if your problem is similar to hers.

Hair growth for african-americans??

stop wearing it down or on your shoulders. It has been shown that a major problem with african american hair is that it rubs collars or shoulders of cotton shirts and dries it out and the dry hair tends to break easier, making your hair stay that length forever. Wear it in loose ponytails or buns, and wrap it at night in a silk scarf (anything but cotton) so yor pillowcases dont rub it dry either. Keep your scalp oiled and try to keep heat and weather damage to a minimum, try braided styles that dont pull too much so you arent doing more harm than good. Good luck.

Hair growth for african-americans??

use wild growth hair oil

i use it and it's really good

Hair growth for african-americans??

There could be many reasons why this has happened. Visit hairdresser's, if no help try a trichologist who actually specialise in hair medicine. Age,gender sickness, climate,or DNA from parents. Sometimes the type of vitamins active contents are too small to be very effective, generally minerals are good in conjunction to vits. You can also stimulate scalp with good brushing but do not pull hair support whilst doing this. Don't rely on vits or minerals without checking out your diet. Try juicing raw veg. Research value of food intake.

Hair growth for african-americans??

Sweetly, the best thing I can tell you is to call the best black salons in your city for a consultation. One thing about your body chem is it changes often, so what worked for you last year may not be the right product anymore. I'm not sure if your relaxed or natural (meaning hair) but natural hair is that its most healthiest state.

Hair growth for african-americans??

Ok U Might Not want to do this cuz i felt the same way b4 i got it....A HAIR WEAVE LoL its amazing how fast mii hair grew b4 the weave mii hair was like 2 inches past mii shoulders and now its like 3 or 4 dont get braids cuz it puts alot of stress on the hair but yea a weave is the way to go and questions email me

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