Wednesday, May 2, 2012

African Hair Growth?

im 12 my hair is up to my neck and i want long silky hair i use gel but the gel that leaves flakes and i go swimming every week cause its school rules and if i go swimming every week is it still good to wash your hair?. what products do you think i should use that are sold in Canada?i usually use baby love and also what shampoo do you recommend?how often should i wash my hair? and how do i stop my hair from turning brown from the sun in the summer?i need some good tips

thnx for answering i know its a tough question

African Hair Growth?

OK..I am 13 and african-american....PLEASE READ

1) your hair turns brown in the sun because that is the color of your hair. Sorry. It may look black, but it is probably a dark dark brown. Mines does the same thing.

2)The reason you get flakes is because you are using TOO MUCH gel. you may need to reduce the amount you use. I use to get those flakes, but now I don't because I don't use as much gel.

3)You should ALWAYS wash your hair after you go swimming. Your hair could break off even more if you don't wash your hair. Even though my hair is long, if i don't wash it after I swim, it will break off. Also try a swim cap, even though they may look tacky, they dont get as much cholorine in your hair! Just a suggestion.

4)The shampoo I reccomend is called Creme Of Nature. I have very thick hair and it lathers very well!!! You should try it.

5) You should probably wash your hair every 8 weeks! This is only if you have a perm! If you do NOT have a perm every 2-3 weeks! A whole bunch of caucasion people may say every week or every day! THIS IS NOT NEEDE FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN HAIR! Putting a flat iron through it will also damage your hair!! PLUS, after you go swimming. ALWAYS wash your hair after you go swimming.

Hope I helped!

African Hair Growth?

ok I am having hair issues to but I have always had long hair so try shampooing and condictioning every 2 to 4 days .....Motions, Silk Elements, and even Optimum Care are really good.

African Hair Growth?

Try not to use gel alot, gel can break your hair off. And since you swim so much use a special swimmer's shampoo, available at any beauty supply store. You should was your hair on a weekly basis and as for your hair turning brown, you'll just have to stay out of the sun.

African Hair Growth?

I have the same problem.

Wash your hair every time after you go swimming! the chemicals in the water cause hair damage (not fun..)

Also, get your hair trimmed if the end start to break. If you don't, it will keep breaking further up the strands of hair and you'll have to get the damage cut off.

I suggest you put oil on the ends. Motions oil (in the pink bottles) work really well for me.

Creme of nature works very well for me, as well.

You don't want to wait eight weeks to wash your hair! It's pretty gross, your scalp will get oily and weighed down with products ect. I wash my hair every week, followed by a deep conditioning. I leave that in overnight if I have time, or sometimes i blowdry it with low heat for about five minutes. Then I wash out and my hair is soft and smooth. Then I blowdry, and sometimes flat iron on low heat. I've recently stopped using the flat iron because of thje damage it was doing to my hair.

As far as your hair turning brown in the summer, I'm not sure. It's probably your "natural highlights." I get the question if I have highlights or not, but it dosen't really bother me.

I don't use gel as a personal choice. I don't like how you have to wash it in order to comb it again.

Good luck.

African Hair Growth?

the first answerer is almost correct. the sun will lighten ur hair, it does that to everyone, black or white. use sunscreen for ur hair or a hat. wash ur hair after swimming every time. the chlorine is very bad for ur hair. the reason ur gel flakes is the brand ur using. I use to use prostyle and that is the worst, lol, it makes it lay down like nothing else, but if u switch to a better gel u wont have those flakes, i still use prostyle but they have a clear formula that is much better than the brown one and doesnt flake. i dont know what products are sold in canada, but u can get any products from anywhere if u order online, which i have had to do many times since certain products are not sold anywhere around me, like razac. u can wash ur hair as often as u need to but dont use excessive heat, its always best to let it air dry if u can. if u straighten ur hair afterwards, use a heat protectant.

African Hair Growth?

well if you go swimming every week I guess you don't have a choice but to wash your hair. be sure to wash your hair after swimming because of the harsh chemicals.

try organic hair stimulator, this is the website

the products are designed for black hair. I use it and its wonderful. you can use the hair spray everyday to prevent damage from the sun.

You can buy it from any black beauty supply store. I live in Toronto and I get them from around Jane/finch or Jane/Lawrence.

its not hard to find.

because you have black hair getting a long silky hair will mean you might have to perm/relax your hair but I guess because you are only 12, your mum might not allow that.

so what I suggest is, after you wash and blow dry your hair, get a hair brush and a blow dryer, and use the brush to straighten your hair, the heat from the blow dryer will give you a silky finish.

use a round hair brush like this one;

or you could buy a hair straightener and use it once a week, that straightens and smoothens your hair.

make sure you buy a ceramic hair strengthener, it prevents frizziness and damage to the hair.

good luck

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