Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out bef

i've already started taking all the needed vitamins, and im going to the beach for a week. will that help with the growth?

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

Well, there might not be much time left for you to grow your hair out, so what you can do is use a nice headband to distract people from looking at your new hairstyle. In other words, SPICE UP your new hairstyle. If you just leave it plain, and seem to point it out, then they will definitely pay attention to it. It's probably not that bad! Also, the vitamins will aide your hair in the long run, but if your planning on going to the beach, at least wash your hair out really good, and make sure its moisturized to restore its natural oil to help aide your hair to grow. if it was chlorine water, than maybe you should watch out for that, chlorine breaks your hair.

Other than that, have a good time, and don't worry.

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

keep it greased

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

What does the beach have to do with anything? It will be months till your hair grows back the way you want.

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

umm the only thing i can thing of is to continue taking the vitamins, that shuld work. but if not you culd always wear a wig tell it grew out. i dont know lol i did the same thing and i jst dealt with it so i dnt know

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

nothing but time

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

Instead of trying to find some tips to help your hair grow;try to accept can dye it or make high lights.If you are very upset,wear a can also wear a cap and you will be sooooooo cooooooooool.Hope this help.

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

Mush 8 strawberrys and mix with 1 tablespoon of mayonaise. Massage onto hair. Put shower cap over it, and then a warm towel, leave on for 1/2 hour. Then wash out.

~Gives healthy looking hair, shininess, and will give it a rich gloss~

Apply oils to your hair (Olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil.) Put a shower cap and leave on over night. When its morning, Shampoo and condition out.

~ Makes hair finer, which makes it smoother, softer, and silkier.~

Use a Natural Boar Bristle Brush. This brush takes the natural oils from your hair, and smoothes it out to your hair.

~Gives the hair a shiny and softer look and feel~

Rinse hair w/ cold water instead of warm.

~ Closes the cuticle of your hair and gives instant shine~

Deep condition your hair once a week (I like Garnier Fructis 3 min. conditioner)

~Hydrates dry hair, and gives it a healthy look.~

Lightly beat 2 eggs w/ a little bit of milk, massage into hair, and leave in for 5 min. Then shampoo and condition it out.

~ Gives softness and silkyness instantly!~

Conditioning after shampooing softens the cuticle of your hair.

~Making hair finer, for softer hair~

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

The salt water won't damage it, just clean your hair.

And I suppose just keep taking those vitamins, but hair is made out of dead protein. All you can really do is wait for it to grow out.

I used to be in the same predicament. I would usually tie my hair into a ponytail or a bun or try to recreate it.

Sometimes I used to a straightener, a blow dryer, and sometimes I would use clips, headbands, honestly, your hair will be fine. =] And it shouldn't take too long for it to grow out.

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Hair Growth? i recently cut my hair, and i hate it! im looking for some tips to help grow it out before school

Ahh.. man im having the same probelm=(

hairstylist hacked 4 inches!!!TRYING ALMOST EVERYTHING TO GROW IT BACK ASAP!!! but one thing I can tell you is that being under the sun to long is no good for your scalp its gettin burnt! I suggest you apply a bit of sunscreen to your scalp b4 exposure to sun.

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