Wednesday, May 2, 2012

African American Hair Growth?

Alright, this question has probably been asked a million times before, but this is CRUCIAL and URGENT. I'm a 15-year-old African American girl who has EXTREMELY coarse, thick, curly hair that just won't grow! Does anyone have any reccomendations for ethnic hair products that will make my diffucult, non-growing hair GROW LIKE CRAZY, FAST? I've wanted my hair past my shoulders for SO LONG, and I'm fed up with my ugly, difficult hair!!! PLEASE HELP.

African American Hair Growth?

I keep it simple with my hair. My hair grow fast and very dry. I wash my hair twice a week with a shampoo for dry damage hair. It help moisten my very dry hair. I use different shampoo but, only the one for dry damage or intense moisturizer. Most african american have dry hair because of our tight curl pattern. We just have to take extra care of our hair and it WILL GROW. I also deep condition my hair with a conditioner that allow me to sit under the dryer (the link below is where I buy my conditioner). It is the BEST conditioner in the world too me. It makes my hair STRONG and keep my ends on to accumlate long hair. After I wash my conditioner out; I use a mosturizer (Organic Root Stimulator Carrot Oil or Olive Oil). I prefer the olive oil lotion because my hair seemed to shine more. I wrap my hair wet then, it dries over night. When I unwarp my hair it shines beause of the olive oil. I spray Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Sheen on it then, begin to straithen my hair. I apply olive oil lotion to my hair every night and wrap with a silk scarf. In the morning I remove the scarf, oil sheen hair, and comb out wrap. I only apply heat to my hair twice or once a week. You should at least wash hair once a week or more. It really makes my hair grow. You need a deep conditioner ASAP because it will make your hair very strong. Herbal Essence has a good shampoo that is cheap and read the bottles. It should state, "DRY DAMAGE" hair. I would stay away from SUAVE. Some people recommended Profectiv but, I HATE IT. It feels sticky, weigh my hair down, and the moisturizer does not last long. My hair looked very dry with this product. I would not trim ends often because you want obtain LONG HAIR if, you keep chopping them off. I trim ends once or twice a year. DO NOT TRIM ENDS EVERY 6-8 WEEKS!!! MY ends look good and only trimmed twice a year(MAX.). My hair is a little paste my shoulder and GROWING. DO NOT RELAX YOUR OWN HAIR BECAUSE YOU MAY LEAVE CHEMICALS IN HAIR AFTER WASHING. It happen to me and my hair became very weak. I did not like my hair until, I learned to take extra care of it. I hope this information is useful for you and GOOD LUCK!!!!

African American Hair Growth?

Hi!! I'm really thinking about taking advice from black beauty. I just wanted to make sure that the products u mentioned are still working for you(so that I wont waste money) and how long has your hair grown in a year. Also popicon 1 did this method work for your hair or is it a bad buy? thank you Report It

African American Hair Growth?

deep conditioners, keep your ends clipped and you can also buy vitamins in wal-mart. (hair and nail vitamins)

African American Hair Growth?

there's always Motions (its a hair product) but maybe you should make a hair apointment to see what is wrong....

another reason your hair could not be growing is the cause of stress and not eating right,hair weaves that are too tight

but if i was you i would go to a hair stlylist

African American Hair Growth?

Get regular wash and sets at dominican hair salons. Every two weeks! It honestly works.

African American Hair Growth?

My mother used this on my hair when I was about 2 years old. It's called LusterSilks Moisturizer. First wash your hair then put the moisturizer on. Really saturate it. Put plenty on. Then put hair in bun and let it dry. As the days go by continue to put it on but lightly now. It may feel a little greasy at first but as time goes by the hair will become soft. Continue to do this for some time. It's amazing how much your hair will start to grow. Trust me.

African American Hair Growth?

im telling you get this oil named DOO GRO it really help's your hair

African American Hair Growth?

Your diet greatly affects your hair growth. Hair is leftover cells, so if your body is struggling to stay nourished, it can't devote anything to hair. So, eat well and it may help.

Be careful of how you are wearing your hair. If you are constantly pulling it back or wearing it in harmful styles (barettes, weaves, curling/straightening irons), your hair can become weak and will break - giving it the appearance that it is not growing.

Trimming it won't help it grow - but it will give the appearance of healthier hair (which may look longer) by removing the thin or split ends. Gelatin capsules won't typically help either. However, I have heard some stories that pre-natal vitamins can help, so if you have the money, it may be worth a try.

Good luck to you!

African American Hair Growth?

I don't think it matters that u are African-American

African American Hair Growth?


African American Hair Growth?

i agree with confused...i love the organic stimulator products and i get my hair in twist sometimes because you don't have to fool with your hair as much...also try biotin or nothing will happen overnight but i can see a difference

African American Hair Growth?

As a black girl at the age of 15 when I was in high school I stopped perming my hair and it grew super fast when I mosturized it on a daily basis with hair food.

If your hair is permed, only cut off the straight ends and leave the beautiful natural hair alone. From this point you don't have to cut your hair EVER AGAIN. This is when you can grow your hair long without having to play give and take.

Cutting your hair to make it grow is a myth. The only time you need to cut your hair is if it is over permed or over cooked to brittle ends with a curling iron and hair dryer.

Try to refrain from perming your hair, for years if possible. You will learn that women with straight hair will hate you for your exotic natural beauty and others will wisen to why they can't grow.

Now when maintaining your natural hair wash it 3 times a week with shampoo that states "For dry or damaged hair". Whether your hair is damaged or not these types of shampoos will provide good moisture for your scalp and strands. Other shampoos will strip your hair of the moisture it needs and you can tell they are bad when just a small amount leads up to too much lather.

Find a deep leave-in conditioner that penetrates and moisturizes both your scalp and strands. Black people have the driest scalp and strands out of all the other races. The hair strands of other races have too much moisture to worry about quick breakage causing short hair in ours.

If you can, find a concentrated conditioner that helps you skip a day without moisturizing it if possible. Everytime we put moisturizer in our hair it disapears the next day like nothing happened. Let your hair air dry, your natural curls will show better that way.

Do this and your hair will grow super fast. If I am the last person you listen to, you will be glad you did because your hair will grow so fast you will forget the mistakes other people told you that was false. Your hair will grow 6 inches a year. But since you are 15 it may grow twice as fast nonetheless.

When your hair grows long enough, you can perm out the longness. It's your hair not mine. But this is the best advice you will ever get without having to do the extensive ethnic research.

African American Hair Growth?

Try a line of products called Profectiv. Its a bit pricey but totally worth the money. The relaxers dont dry hair out like crazy and the conditioners moisturize hair really well and prevent breakage. Its is a bit difficult to find but you should find in a really good beauty supply or sometimes in Family Dollar. Try . Also when you go to bed at night wrap your hair or roll it, depending on the style. And tie your hair with a silk scarf. NEVER USE COTTON WRAGS, they absorb all of your hair's moisture causing in to break easily. Stay away from curling irons and avoid combing your hair constantly. Its better to brush your hair because it distributes oils evenly to moisturize hair. Don't use a boar brush, use a plastic coated wire brush. If you don't know the difference ask a stylist. Also find you a good hair stylist that is into getting you a head of healthy hair and not someone who is only into a GOOD LOOKING HAIRSTYLE. Healtier hair always looks better than spritzed or gelled hair. If you have any questions let me know.

African American Hair Growth?

Girl.. im 15 to and trying to grow my thich course hair. i went to these websites.. i will list later.. and they helpd me sooo must. what worked fa me was relaxing et my self wid vitale mo' body lye perm kit.. vitale is a safe perm but it dose get straight but not tin lookin and straight so it will still have body to you wont have to go natural because that is a lotta lotta work... but if you really dont wanna perm et use a real real good CERAMIC hot iron.... and the best hair care line to use is keracare.. you got to go to dillards, jcpennys, and mall corner stores to purchase it.. but DO NOT GET A STYLIST do it your self trust me it will grow better. also try not to use a lot of heat on relaxed hair from hot irons and blow dryers... or gels like prostyle that contain alchol and protein because too protein in your hair may dry et out and lead to breakage.. and also you should plat it and do these thigs called braid outs... i gotta lot ta say to you girl just email me

African American Hair Growth?

Listen sweetie, I know what you mean. I just cut my hair off and I really miss it, so I'm going to start from scratch and do it all over again. I looked up web sites about hair growth and products to use and I found one that I decided to try. Check out this web site:

It has some good ideals. Try it, see if it works for you. I'm starting it this weekend. Good luck.

African American Hair Growth?

get braids i got kinkies

African American Hair Growth?

doo-gro works . . have u tried braids??

African American Hair Growth?

you are having an identity crisis, your hair does not have to be ugly just because it is thick, course, and curly. You are sold on TV and many magazines that you should have Hawaiian silky straight hair, face it you don't, that is why weaves are so popular. Our hair needs moisture, moisture and more moisture, not a pile of grease, You will figure out many different styles over your lifetime.

African American Hair Growth?

Ha ha, ethnic, you said. Its just genetics.

Well, i don't think, there's anything that will make it grow so fast. Although, there are herbal stuffs for hair growth but when you force it to grow fast, it won't. I 'd advice, you forget about that, and live just the way you are, appreciate what you 've got and who knows, one morning you 'd just wake up and find your hair grown like that of Rapunzel.

Oh well, bottom line? Just let it be and use the normal procedures. If you don't braid your hair, try to water and comb it every day, as often as possible. Water is very vital when it comes to growing your hair, forget about those huge hair creams. Just leave it alone, it will grow.

**But, you can try fertilizers and manures, if you insist.

African American Hair Growth?

I'm sure your hair grows,so it's probably breaking off. If you use a relaxer make sure the chemical is not being over lapped,do the the new growth only. Look for products that put moisture back in the hair.

African American Hair Growth?


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