Monday, April 23, 2012

How can I change my hair growth pattern (direction)?

Hi there,

I'm not sure if this is possible, but i thought i'd give it a shot.

The right side of my forehead grows hair straight back off my face. It's quite nice. However, the left side of my forehead has hair that falls limp and forward. I hate it. It takes a lot of product to sweep it back off my forehead to match the right side, and even then it doesn't look natural.

Does anyone have any thoughts about possibly changing the direction of my hair growth on the left side of my head?

Thank you

How can I change my hair growth pattern (direction)?

hm.. of youre a guy, ure much game with this idea.. having your head shaved.. as in all of your hair removed. Your hair should then be growing in a different direction after that.. but it's up to chance though.. coz the region or area in which a hair strand is attached is already conformed into it's distinct direction. :) goodluck.

How can I change my hair growth pattern (direction)?

it'll take awhile but if you part it that way for a long time it'll eventually start growing that way. my sis has always parted her hair in the middle and that's how it grows now.

How can I change my hair growth pattern (direction)?

You have to keep training it to go the way that you want and eventually it will get used to staying that way. Maybe a new cut would help, one that would make dealing with your hair growth pattern easier.

Besides that, they only way that you can permanently change your hair growth pattern is with chemicals (perm, relaxer etc. - and that is only on the treated hair, new growth would have to be touched up).

** your hair will not change its growth pattern by shaving it off **

How can I change my hair growth pattern (direction)?

Hello there, does someone found a solution for this problem? I've got same problem and I don't know the way to solve it. What kind of chemicals should we :) use? Thanks...

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