Friday, March 30, 2012

Hair Growth!!!!?

How do you grow long hair past your elbows?Any products or something?

Hair Growth!!!!?

The key to long hair is health. Eat sweet potatoes, or foods that are high in calcium and Vitamin E. Cantaloupe helps too. Wash your hair at least every two days to maintain cleanliness aswell.

Hair Growth!!!!?

you need nutrients exercise and plenty of water.Green tea also helps.I recommend this site .The info is very useful.You should also cover your head w' a satin sleep bonnet at night.TRIMMING HAIR DOES NOT SPEED GROWTH.It simply keeps hair looking uniform through removal of split ends.If there are no split ends it is absolutely unnecessary to trim.If you trim your hair every time it grows it'll seem to you as though it isn't growing 'cuz it wont get much longer.Similarly if you don't take good care of your hair then it will break and the breakage during growth will also make it seem as though your hair isnt making any progress.It's like taking one step forward then backward right to where you were before

Hair Growth!!!!?

No products, eat healthy take your vitamins,and get dead ends trimmed. Trimming your ends prevents your hair from breaking off.

Hair Growth!!!!?

for me since i'm a african american i use a hair grease called african beauty i massage my scalp twice a day and clip my ends every 2weeks and try not use the flat iron alot i also use hair products called dr.miracle .

Hair Growth!!!!?

don't listen to the guy who said wash your hair every two days if your black that would make your hair really dry once a week is just fine and clip your ends every 6 weeks trust me. Follow up with some good deep conditioner and make sure you keep your hair moisturized and follow up with a good hair vitamin that contains biotin it promotes healthy hair growth google it. good luck because it worked for me

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